Sunday 6 May 2012

Simple Tips to Extend Your iPhone Battery Life

Although the Apple iPhone has become everyone’s favorite gadget, its battery life leaves much to be desired. With the numerous apps available for your enjoyment, it can be a bit frustrating that the iPhone’s battery runs out of juice much quicker than other mobile phones. There are, however, a number of tips that you can use to make sure that you enjoy your iPhone fully, without worrying about battery life.

Tips such as making sure that your iPhone’s software is up-to-date, lowering the display brightness of your screen and setting email settings or data retrieval services to fetch data less frequently can help extend the battery life of your iPhone.
It is also recommended that you calibrate your battery at least once a month (by fully charging your iPhone battery, then allowing it to drain). You can also try out several battery management apps, such as Battery Doctor Pro and BatteryPlus to help you monitor your battery usage

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